I’m Crissie!
Welcome to The Crafted Maker, where a Maker is crafted one project at a time. I’m Crissie, a self-taught DIY’er, builder, and crafter. This blog was started as a way to share my projects with everyone. It has been a long road to get where I am now, many victories, failure, growing, and changing, but I hope some of the projects on this blog will inspire you to pick up those power tools and make some stuff happen!
The theme of this blog has always been an outlet of what I already know, but also what I want to learn. There are several skills that have always seemed interesting to me such as welding, wood turning, and more advanced painting techniques. So stick around, there is surely more fun to come!
Drop by some of my projects or just stop by to say hi, I would love to have some friends on my DIY journey!
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Dutch Brothers Kicker
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If you are new to this site, here are some of my popular posts to get you started. Have a look around, get some inspiration, and have a blast building and crafting. If you need anything about one of my projects or want to share some brags with me, just reach out. crissie@thecraftedmaker.com
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